It just doesn't seem like it has been that long since my little girl was born, and then again, at times I feel as if it was ages ago. This sweet, little being, cradled ever so gently in the embrace of her Daddy, so tiny, so fragile. . .

. . . it's amazing how much she has already grown! I hear her now, playing "house" in her bedroom, preparing a dish for her well mannered companions: a very much loved cloth doll named Mele, to the multiple-armed friend, Olie the Octopus. You can already see the personality, and boy does she have personality! A lot of spunk, a lot of questions, many boxes of Cheerios, many messes on the floor, smiles to melt your heart, tantrums to drive you crazy, a million kisses, a ton of joy. . . children are the best (and most trying) part of life, my life. This is the time I know I must savor with this wee munchakin of mine for I see her, transforming from baby to little girl right before my very eyes. [deep sigh] Anyone got a Kleenex?
It will be gone before you know it.
The fingerprints on the wall appear higher and higher.
Then suddenly they disappear.
~Dorothy Evslin
Don't I know it! My little girl, my oldest, is now 16. She is learning to drive and has her first boy friend. Sigh...time just slips away.
I walk around with Kleenex...children are so very cool. I did not know you had a daughter. Yes, they grow fast! I know I will miss this time so much.