Wednesday, March 31, 2010

.i miss the sea.

I do. Terribly. For anyone of you that know me well enough, you know that every Spring comes that pang of homesickness that just doesn't seem to ever diminish. The weather is so delicious that my mind can't help but drift to the shores of Hawai'i. I miss the beach.


  1. Coincidentally, I got a photo/message from Jamie's sister in Nashville today... she and their dog were sunbathing on the deck, daydreaming that they were back in HI :)

  2. Beatiful fotographs!
    Compliments fro Denmark ;)

  3. Its almost beach time and I can feel your loneliness in this picture, because the shell looks lonely too.

  4. I've never seen the ocean in person. That should probably be at the top of my travel plans, right?

  5. i know that growing up there and now being landlocked that it really sings deep within your soul. hope you get to reconnect again soon.

  6. Your camera takes beautiful photo's. Are you able to visualize ahead what the photo will look like? I love the way you are able to make something so simple look so grand.

  7. it is home to you . missing is hard . the photo is so amazing kat . elk

  8. Great shot - simple, but effective! (I think I'd miss Hawaii for different reasons - and less in spring than when the snow starts to fly.)

  9. I love this. I also grew up near the ocean, although it was the Atlantic, so very cold, but I miss it so much - the tides, the power, the peace - the ocean is magic.

  10. Beautiful photo! I miss the sea, too, some days more than other. We lived close to the North Sea until I was 10 and the ocean will always mean much more to me than the mountains.

  11. i, too, am a water girl and miss all the sounds, smells and sights that go along with it...not too much in ohio that way!
    beautiful image!


Just so you know. . . you've already brightened my day!