Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2013's word of the year : celebrate


It is already half way through January.  Can you believe it?!  And only now have I been able to truly sit down and share with you my word for 2013:  c e l e b r a t e.

Last year was a difficult one.  I know there are many of you out there who would agree with me.  But I won't go into those times right now.  Instead, despite all the hardship, frustrations, disappointments, loneliness, and grief of 2012, I choose now to celebrate the fact I survived.  I look around and see times are changing and rapidly.  This year I want to celebrate friendship, family, and the beauty that this life, this world, has to offer if only I would slow down enough to see it, and embrace it.  I'm putting on my rose-tinted glasses and welcoming the sunshine!

And how about you?  What is YOUR word for 2013?


  1. AMEN!

    I am so optimistic about this new year... it's bringing about some amazing things for so many people!

    My word for 2013 is... CREATE

    Last year, we created our child - this year I'm creating memories with her, creating photos and blog posts and scrapbooks to document these memories, and creating projects like in the new-to-me craft of crochet.

    Very excited about 2013... lots to CELEBRATE!

    1. Meg, I have no idea where you get your
      energy from homie! Ha ha! I love the
      zest for life that you have and I know
      little one has an awesome Mama and Pops
      that will definitely fulfill your word for the
      year! CREATE for sure!

    2. HA! Well, I can't give the credit to coffee... been caffeine-free since I discovered I was pregnant (after drinking an entire pot one fine Saturday morning!) - I think it's just the "zest for life" like you said... there is so much to experience and be thankful for and that really gets me going! Thank you for your enthusiasm and friendship... Happy New Year to you and the fam, Kathy! xx

  2. LOve your word! I can totally relate about 2012 being a difficult and tough year. So I made a similar choice for my word for 2013, wanting something life-affirming and positive: nurture.

    1. I love LOVE the word NURTURE.
      Yeah, I seriously considered making
      'I Survived 2012' tshirts to sport around.
      It seriously kicked my butt! Let's definitely
      make this a positive year and nurture the
      lovely soul within. :)

  3. what a fabulous word, so much fun is promised.


Just so you know. . . you've already brightened my day!