Wednesday, June 24, 2009

.cake crazy.

There are several things that I love in this world. My family, my friends, photography, music. . . well you get the picture. But there is another love that I have, a love of the "indulgent" kind. You know, the one you feel guilty for and yet you can't seem to break it off. No, I'm not talking about the type that sends divorce papers to your mailbox. I'm talking about the bittersweet relationship I have with cake! I've come to accept the truth that as long as there is cake in the world, I will forever sport a belly. But wait! Is there hope?!
There seems to be a multitude of cookbooks out there with yummy images of cupcakes, slathered with mouth watering frosting so neatly displayed on the front cover! Porn for the sweet-toothed. When I saw the book Babycakes on a display table at work, I had to stop and take a peek. My interest grew as I noticed that the recipes were vegan and gluten-free. I am not a vegetarian and I am not a diabetic. However, trying out recipes, especially to cut back on the sugar, seems like a great idea. And if it tastes good, all the better! The photos in the book are too awesome!
It's apparent that I'm not the only that thinks cakes are scrumpalicious! These wonderful delights can be seen anywhere and everywhere. How about on television? The Food Network features a show all about the decadent world of cake decorating. The show "Ace of Cakes" is a glimpse of what the amazing folks out at Charm City Cakes can do with cake layers and fondant! And what about music? How can you not love a band simply named Cake? Something a little more mellow and perhaps from the land of Lucky Charms? Tunes by The Cake Sale are rather tasty!
And last but not least, need a good laugh? Visiting the quirky blog that is Cake Wrecks is like taking a stroll pass the bakery department of your local grocery store, only the baker is out and the meat department guy is filling in, fully prepared with an icing bag and bad grammar. (Iris I don't mean J. hee hee) So the next time you attempt to put your Wilton cake decorating class skills to use and find that your roses look more like a cluster of cabbages, grab your camera! Be on the lookout for Jen Yates' Cake Wrecks book which will be out this October.

So now that I've got you thinking of buttercream frosting and fluffy layers, if you don't mind, I'm going to cut myself a slice! Happy rest of the week to you all! Let's eat cake!


  1. I just laughed so hard at the cake wrecks photos!! Great post. ;)

  2. cake wrecks is always hilarious ... but man, I do love a good buttercream.

  3. Cake-tastic. I'm totally there with you Kat! We;re a bit in the dark ages with cake in this country, getting there slowly, there is a real craze for cupcakes but they are rarely really well made. Grace and I make our own!


Just so you know. . . you've already brightened my day!