Monday, August 24, 2009

.a toast to great photography.

There are times when I wish, WISH!, I lived in Great Britain. Aside from the fact that my love is from Scotland and he says more times than I can count how he hopes to move back (me too! *wink*), I am truly in love with Toast. Specifically, the photographs that are captured and gracefully placed onto the pages that make up their catalogue. 'If you're already getting the catalogue, why move?' Shh! Have you heard of the Lake District?
Today, I was greeted with a new, much larger than usual, copy of their early fall catalogue. Once again, I was swept away into dreamy scenery and soft light. Don't get me wrong, I love their clothing line. . . but these photos!! So, who can we thank for the brilliant images like those that grace the pages displayed above? Jenny Zarins. Jenny, seriously, I thank you!!

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