Sunday, May 15, 2011

.good morning sunday :: n˚12.

Good morning friends!  Okay, so I am posting this much, MUCH later than I had planned. . . so really, it's a "good evening" friends!  I hope today finds you well and inspired.  I am running late, so let's get going with  today's list: 
  • I am so happy that the new Priscilla Ahn album, When You Grow Up, is finally out!  Listening to her beautiful voice always puts me in a good mood.
  • Found via Sofia, I'm enjoying photographer Saul Leiter's view of the world through windows and reflections.
  • Working in a bookstore can be very dangerous sometimes, especially when you are looking at purchasing photography books.  For those who are looking for some great photographic inspiration and instruction without breaking the bank, visit Craft & Vision. 
  • Speaking of books, I'm thinking about reading this one.  
  • Wish I had an iPhone just so that I could take cool photos like the ones here.
Wow, seems like my lists are getting shorter and shorter!  Ha!  How about you?  What new things would you like to share today?


    1. i'm just glad that my internet seems to be working with more speed again...hope you're having a beautiful thursday

    2. hello there.

      just stumbled in. i'm enjoying your photographs and general postings too.

      i really like Leiter's street photography.


    Just so you know. . . you've already brightened my day!