Friday, April 3, 2009

.building a mystery.

Hello my friends!  I apologize for the brief absence.  I've had to take a little "blog break."  Not because I wanted to, but because I had to put more time and focus into other areas of the web.  Which means I am so far behind in reading up on the latest from some of my favorite bloggers out there in Bloglandia!  So what has taken me away from my favorite spots on the web?  Well, I have finally decided to built my website, focusing primarily on photography.  I'm having to build it myself and I am not a web designer by any means, but I think I'm doing alright.   It'll continue to be a work in progress, such as myself!  Believe me, it's taken a lot to finally get to this point, but I'm almost all the way there.  I'm hoping to have it finished by this time next week, if not sooner.  What does this mean for me?  First and foremost, it is a challenge.  It's me recognizing the fact that if I want to pursue a career in photography, I need to get off my a** and make it happen.  So, that's what I'm doing.  Trying to make it happen.  There is SO much that I want to do and so many ideas running around like lunatics in my head!  It's exciting!  Hopefully, I'll be able to keep this momentum going.  I need it to.  I will let you all know when it's up and running.  Meanwhile, how are YOU doing?  


  1. yay for ideas and making them happen. I'm great - very excited about yesterday...and now I must get out and about.

  2. i saw your site again and it's lookin good chica! hey, i'm done with my page so go check em sistah!

  3. Hi Kat, love your new photos on Flickr by the way, love your photos in general really! I've been working my socks off past couple of weeks and not had a chance to look at my fave blogs, one of which is yours! Suddenly it's spring and everyone wants me to sort out their garden. Can't complain though!


Just so you know. . . you've already brightened my day!