Friday, April 15, 2011

.beach bummin'.

Went out to the beach yesterday to gain some inspiration for a series of photos that I've been inspired to do.  Meanwhile, my hubby went walking with his camera and my munchkin enjoyed dancing on the shore!  I think it safe to say that we love the beach!  Even if it is a little gray and dismal looking.  The Atlantic.  She can't help it.  Wishing you a wonderful weekend friends!


  1. i love the beach, too....
    i think that's normal for those of us who are part mermaid :)

  2. i adore these shots - i love the beach

  3. Wonderful fun - I can't wait too hit the beach myself with my munchkin.

  4. i actually like it better when it is a bit gray ...the light is so different on the sand

  5. the atlantic is much more forgiving than my old friend the pacific...she takes the cold and damp and gives it a beautiful twist

  6. Thanks for all the comments folks!
    All I can say is thank God for warmer
    weather, some sand and salty sea! :D


Just so you know. . . you've already brightened my day!