Thursday, January 14, 2010

.happy I don't know what to shoot day!.

Okay, so today officially became the I Have No Idea What to Photograph for 365 Day. After the daily grind, it seems as if my mind is just this blob of blobbity blob stuff in my head. In a panic, I look around my home for something, anything that I could classify as interesting and well, dear friends, here you go. Rattan. Let's cross our fingers tomorrow will be a much better day for inspiring photos!



  1. for having a blobbity blob day for 365, you did pretty darn good! Love this shot! ::pat yourself on the back::

    love + luck + bliss,
    missysue xox

  2. and this is why I worry about my 365. LOL

    but - it's a great shot - i love the caning. beautiful DOF

  3. I love this, it turned out great! And really works in mono.

  4. Thanks! Here I'm only half
    way through the month and
    already I'm struggling! Ha!

  5. This is really cool! I love the depth of field.

  6. but you made it look spectacular !!!


Just so you know. . . you've already brightened my day!