Sunday, November 29, 2009

.standing at the door.

Hello dear ones! I hope that those of you who are State side enjoyed a wonderful time with your loved ones this Thanksgiving weekend! There is so much to be thankful for and I for one am thankful for all of you! Seriously. :O) For stopping by and saying hello. Thank you.

This last week has kicked my butt. Nablopomo has kicked my butt. So, I am awfully whooped! But be that as it may, there are beautiful things about to take place. I can feel it.

My heart has gone through so many different emotions in the last several days and I know this upcoming week will only intensify those feelings. Anticipation is probably the most profound at the moment. I am standing in front of a door, several doors actually, each one opening up to a new opportunity to live, to experience, to share. Tomorrow, I have an interview with a local charity that has been aiding many refugees who have been relocated here in Nashville. More on that after the interview. There's a good possibility that I will be displaying some of my photographs in a local bookstore. So many other things in the works that my heart is thrilled and scared at the same time! I cannot even begin to tell you how important all these possibilities are to me right now. My hope is to come back here in a few days to report news of doors flying wide open. . . and of me, humbly walking through them. Until then, have a wonderful week, all of you!


  1. What an exciting post Kat! I can't wait to here more. These moments of anticipation can be both agonizing and exciting all at once, eh?

    And I start NaBloPoMo tomorrow...Eeekkk! I am worried it's going to completely kick my butt.

  2. i am so ready for my last post - it is very draining.

    but it sounds as though exciting things are happening!! :)

    love the shot

  3. i will keep good thoughts for you as this week unfolds...beautiful blue door...elk

  4. I'm totally a door person...and I know the feeling of having them open to a whole new world of new...

    I'm wishing you the best of luck....on everything !

  5. Hi! I'm just wondering if there is a magical, secret garden behind the blue door ...

  6. how very exciting! I hope all went well. I know how giddy the anticipation of it all can make you. I hope all comes out lovely!~

  7. Hello Kat, it's been days you wrote this post and days I don't visit. How are you doing? How is little one? I hope things are going well. I hope you are going to display your work in the bookstore! How nice is that?
    And what door is this?
    Well, see you soon!

  8. How exciting good luck to you Kat!
    I stopped by to wish you a very Merry Christmas...

  9. what is Nablopomo?
    and, what about all the doors?
    I'm a first time visitor and now am on pins and needles.

  10. Nice* Hello you! it's always a pleasure to visit your page..

  11. The door shot is wonderful! The colors and the contrast are terrific.


Just so you know. . . you've already brightened my day!